Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hudson River Blues and BBQ

This past Sunday was the annual Hudson River Blues and BBQ Festival! I LOVE my Blues and LOVE my BBQ. I still remember last year's Festival like it was yesterday. I lasted a whole 5 minutes in the thundering rains. My rain boots and Totes umbrella were no competition. If I stayed any longer, it would not have been pretty.

This year was way more successful. But still ended the same! Well, I got to listen to a few songs. A few very good vintage blues and jazz songs. Many people were turning and twisting and dancing the Sunday afternoon away in the middle of the aisles. The ladies got excited when Braithwaite & Whiteley sang "Rockit Like a Nubian Queen." Not so excited about what happened afterwards. The sky opened up on us like we just won the Superbowl. Thank goodness no Gatorade was invloved. But most of the crowd, like moi, were prepared with (stronger) boots and umbrellas. Unfortunately the festivities had to shut down around 6 PM because of the pesky rain. We got a good few hours in, though. Here's hoping to a dryer Festival next year? I said this last year, too!

Dinosaur BBQ: pork sandwich. MWAAUM.

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