I left my TV on while I was cleaning up before I hit the hay. I felt like Jimmy Kimmel tonight. "Raaamstein. Rrraaaamshhteeein. Ram Stein? Rammstein." I looked at Jimmy with confusion. Why is that name coming out of that man's mouth?! "Rammstein will be performing on the show this Thursday night!" Get out of here, you serious? Who knew that Jimmy (or his peoples) knew?!
Rammstein, one of the most famous European bands of all time, has been touring in North America since last year. Their last stop will be in Las Vegas, NV on May 21. This is their first tour since they were banned from this side of the Atlantic more than a decade ago. They were considered a little too graphic, while others considered it great entertainment.
For all you German hard metal fans out there, check them out on
Jimmy Kimmel this Thursday night, 5/19/11 @ 12/11c. Watch it, DVR it, Tivo, or use whatever contraption you have. Now I'm wondering how they are going to fit in the pyrotechnics. This is going to be fun.

I was gleefully introduced to Rammstein, by a dear friend of mine, about a year ago. I mentioned this in a previous
post here and delved into some history in this
post here! We went to the Festival d’été de Québec (Quebec Music Festival) during the summer of 2010. I agreed to go because it would be a great road trip, Trombone Shorty and hello music! I was further introduced to Rammstein when we popped in their CD. "Du hast mich!" My friend translated some lyrics.
BLUSH. Oh, my. I was starting to understand why they got banned. It's metal, but good metal that makes sense to your ears and not just random loud banging of instruments. The lyrics are a whole other bunch of stories. By the end of the trip, I unknowingly joined the head banging. Rammstein knows how to put on a show! It involves pyrotechnics, an inflatable boat, sparkly clothing and bubbles. Lots of bubbles.

So, naturally, my friend and I had to go to their show at the Izod Center on May 5th. We were NOT disappointed. Some friends wanted to be there with us, and some sent us off with well wishes and hoped we'll make it back in one piece. It was quite the international gathering. The couple in front of us on the bus line were from Norway and some fans behind us were from Australia. Rammstein brings the world together...in their own way.
Fun Fact: "Du Hast" is on the soundtrack of "The Matrix." Makes you want to search for your VHS (it WAS that long ago) of it doesn't it??
Rammstein came up in a random conversation with random drunk strangers in Vegas and, thanks to you, I was able to knowledgeably comment that they were in Vegas at the same time we were!! <3