Sunday, August 1, 2010

Vijay Iyer Goodness

Talk about an over-achiever. Vijay Iyer, a Brooklyn-based Jazz musician, also has a bachelor's from Yale in the studies of physics and mathematics. Oh, and a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California. And some music awards thrown in the mix.

I was browsing through some magazines at Barnes and Noble this past weekend after leaving my friends' new digs around the upper east side. They made me an awesome stew of mussels, diced tomatoes and mushroom rice with a hint of lime. Yum!

It was good to be able to walk it off in a bookstore. There's always some interesting publications that catches your eye. I'm intrigued by the "Paris Review." Goodness knows I have to keep up my reading and writing. Then I came across this magazine about Asian Americans. It was maybe about 30 pages flimsy. I flipped through it and saw Vijay Iyer's picture with "JAZZ" splashed across it. How cool. And he's a physicist.

His CD, Historicity, is making some waves already. Some of his songs are quite Avant-Garde-ish but at the same time, he makes his piano not just take the lead, but also converse with the other instruments. I still haven't listened to all his songs, but he will be performing at the Charlie Parker Jazz Festival on August 29th(more details on the right sidebar).

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